On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 01:42:12AM -0700, Gilad Raphaelli wrote:
> gmetad seems to be running fine but gmond now exists with a 'Bus Error'.  
> gmond -t, -h, -V work fine, gmond -c and -m both give that bus error after 
> doing:
>  11720 gmond    0.000409 CALL  ioctl(0x4,FIODTYPE,0xbffff62c)
>  11720 gmond    0.000006 RET   ioctl -1 errno 25 Inappropriate ioctl for 
> device
>  11720 gmond    0.000004 CALL  ioctl(0x4,TIOCGETA,0xbffff600)
>  11720 gmond    0.000004 RET   ioctl -1 errno 25 Inappropriate ioctl for 
> device
>  11720 gmond    0.000021 CALL  close(0x4)
>  11720 gmond    0.000033 RET   close 0
>  11720 gmond    0.146908 PSIG  SIGBUS SIG_DFL
> I can send the full ktrace.out if someone would like to take a look.

that is the problem I was suspecting gmond might have, you are going to have
to rebuild everything statically and rely in the same "fix" that was done to
cygwin and which hopefully will gave you a gmond that can find all the symbols
it needs to load

Index: configure.in
--- configure.in        (revision 1206)
+++ configure.in        (working copy)
@@ -508,7 +508,9 @@
 *osf*)         metric_source="osf.c"
                CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_SOCKADDR_LEN" 
-*darwin*)      AC_DEFINE(DARWIN,1,DARWIN);;
+*darwin*)      AC_DEFINE(DARWIN,1,DARWIN)
+               EXPORT_SYMBOLS="-export-all-symbols"
+               ;;
 *solaris*)     echo " *** WARNING:  Please make sure you use a 64-bit
compiler, linker and *** "
                 echo " *** library set if you are running a 64-bit Solaris
kernel!  This    *** "
                 echo " *** applies if you are running Solaris 7 or later!
*** "

> > what is the ouput of :
> > 
> >   svnversion -c -n .
> The output is currently 2:1203M.  It seems like OSX's cut is choking on the 
> lack of a carraige return in the output of svnversion, echo -n '2:1203M' | 
> cut gives the same Illegal byte sequence error, but not echo without -n.

will keep that in mind then, to chop the LF after the cut, if this code or
something similar makes it to the alpha.


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