Hi Neil:

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Neil McKee <neil.mc...@inmon.com> wrote:

> It might be helpful to have commit privileges for minor bugfixes,  yes.   
> Although I wouldn't use it for bigger changes that require consensus.

Yeah, that would be the idea.  Bigger changes should be discussed
prior to being checked-in.  An alternative approach would be to create
a separate branch to work on the code until it's stable enough to be
merged back into trunk.

> I'm working on a bigger patch that will add an sflow { } configuration block 
> so we can have options to control the following:
> - the sflow udp port
> - whether to submit 0s rather than leave undefined metrics out altogether (as 
> a workaround for that issue with the CPU/mem charts for Windows)
> - whether to ignore the hostname that comes with with host-sflow so that 
> gmond will do it's own reverse lookup (to get the FQDN instead)
> - whether to submit the extra metrics that host-sflow sends for physical 
> servers
> - whether to submit the extra metrics that host-sflow sends for virtual 
> servers
> Should have it ready for review later this afternoon.
> Once the sFlow HTTP and memcached counter-blocks are finalized then we could 
> quickly add support for those metrics too.  More input on those would be very 
> welcome:
> http://blog.sflow.com/search/label/HTTP
> http://blog.sflow.com/search/label/Memcache

I know we've talked briefly about this before, but do you consider
this a major change in the code?  I would really like to create a
release 3.2 branch from trunk soon.  We will then work on stabilizing
the code for eventual release as 3.2.0.  So I guess my question to you
is is this material for 3.2.0 or a future release?



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