On 04/04/12 19:30, Dave Rawks wrote:
> On 04/04/2012 09:51 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> On 04/04/12 18:35, Dave Rawks wrote:
>>> Not to speak out of turn, but making the build process dependent on a
>>> very specific version of libtools and autotools seems like a really bad
>>> plan. I've never run into a debian source package before that demands to
>> Only the `bootstrap' step recommends a particular version of autotools.
>> There would be more QA risk if every revision (e.g. 3.3.5, 3.3.6, 3.3.7)
>> was bootstrapped on a different autotools.  Given the limited resources
>> of the project, the easiest way to ensure consistency between releases
>> is to make sure that we always bootstrap on a specified platform before
>> making a release tarball.
>> This only impacts people who want to work with source code directly from
>> git (rather than using a tarball)
> Well, if you've ever tried to build the debian source package, in the
> middle of whatever is called from "debian/rules build" there is echo'd a
> stern warning about autotools versions and it looks like a few git
> commands are attempted but fail without stopping the build.

This may not be the official process for building a Debian package

The official process is being documented at the moment, various
packaging things like that are covered here already (Debian coming soon):


If the debian/rules file you are using calls git commands, that is also
a sign of trouble, Debian policy prohibits any dependency on the network
during the build process

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