Thank you for your replies Bernard and Shekar.

Actually in the meanwhile I managed to make it work. For those who might want 
to do the same here's what I did:

 · Stop gmond and gmetad, and clean the RRD database in the collector (I was 
getting unspecified clusters and cached information so this was a clean start)

 · I have 5 clusters so I've created 5 gmond.conf files - gmond-cluster1.conf, 
gmond-cluster2.conf...etc. In these files I've set up the cluster name, both 
udp and tcp ports to the same number, and the hostname in the udp_send_channel 
to 'localhost'

 · In gmetad.conf I set up a grid name (not necessary but better to have a 
cleaner UI)

 · Still in gmetad.conf I have created 5 data_sources, one for each cluster:
          data_source "Cluster A" localhost:portA
          data_source "Cluster B" localhost:portB
   Note that these ports and cluster names match those in the gmond files I've 
created earlier. 

   I had some problems with the ports, some clusters were not appearing if they 
were using port 8651 for instance, but I just changed the port and they 
worked...I am not sure why, I don't think this port numbers are 
restricted...but well, if someone knows why, tell me please

 · Then I just daemonized the 5 gmonds like this:
           # deamon gmond -c /etc/ganglia/gmond-clusterA.conf
           # .....

 · Finally, I just started gmetad and now it's running fine. To add more 
clusters I just need to, in this order, daemonized the new gmond for that 
cluster and restart gmetad.

Hope this helps someone in the future ;)

Cumprimentos / Best regards,
Cristóvão José Domingues Cordeiro

From: Bernard Li []
Sent: 24 January 2014 04:49
To: Cristovao Jose Domingues Cordeiro
Subject: Re: [Ganglia-general] multiple clusters with just one collector


To accomplish what you want to do, I believe you have two options:

1) Run multiple gmonds, on the master collector, each one listening on
different ports
2) Have one gmond but have multiple udp_recv_channels listening on
different ports

It might help if you also post your configuration somewhere and
reference it here (eg. pastebin or some such).

Please let us know if you have any other questions.



On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 5:08 AM, Cristovao Jose Domingues Cordeiro
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found some similar posts in this mailing list but unfortunately none can
> solve my situation.
> Basically, I want to have just one collector to multiple clusters.
> As far as I understood I need to have multiple gmonds in my headnode, and so
> I do.
> I have in my collector:
> gmetad.conf:
>   data_source "clusterA" localhost
>   data_source "clusterB" localhost:8650
> gmond-clusterA.conf and gmond-clusterB.conf, each one with their ports,
> hosts and cluster names defined, pointing to localhost.
> I also issued the daemon:
> gmond -c gmond-clusterA.conf
> gmond -c gmond-clusterB.conf
> But  this doesn't work. I end up with my web interface just showing an
> 'unspecified' cluster and 'clusterA'... not clusterB.
> Any thoughts? thanks
> Cumprimentos / Best regards,
> Cristóvão José Domingues Cordeiro
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