Quoting Basile Starynkevitch <bas...@starynkevitch.net>:

So what should I do concretely? What is the current status of the pdf
file generated inside GCC MELT, an old version of which is on
Is it completely illegal?

Does that means that the only time when such a file could be
redistributed is in a couple of years (2012, 2015?) [*] when at long
last the FSF will have make an official change in some license or

IIRC, when you do a Copyright Assignment to the FSF, you get the right
granted back to use the code you contributed in other projects, subject
to some notice  period (3 weeks?).
You best check your assignment confirmation papers.

So I would suggest that you inform the FSF that you want to use the
MELT code that you contributed previously (to the GCC project)
for the project 'MELT documentation';
wait for the notice period to pass, and then AFAIU you are free to
use your MELT code under a different License, like the GFDL.
(Ask a lawyer if there is any doubt.)
To assure users that they may use the documentation, you then have to
actually grant a GFDL license to the documentation.
E.g. you could include the auto-generated documentation with GFDL
license in your branchand/or release.  Of course you'd have to make
sure that you don't drag in copyrightable material for which you
don't have GFDL rights (e.g. pieces of GPL-only code from GCC proper).

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