Thank you all for your ideas, they are much appreciated. I will certainly investigate into the areas you mentioned, so do keep the feedback coming. I will certainly comment on them, once I have a better understanding. And I'd like to get in sync with existing work, so that duplicate effort is avoided (for example I'm already researching on finding an alternative hash function to replace htab_hash_string(), I don't know if Nicola has done that).

But for now I will be reading some tutorial slides I found from HiPEAC and CGO conferences, so that I understand GCC's architecture. Slides are good but are missing many things, so if you have video/audio transcripts of tutorials they would come in handy.

It is also a priority to standardise the way of measuring gcc's speed (which files to compile with what options), and dedicate some old machinery to that purpose. Perhaps this has already been done, and I can use existing setups? I found the following very useful pages:

On another note, I can see that a similar project was accepted for 2007 GSOC, titled as "Speeding up GCC for fun and profit". Where can I find more info?

Finally I'd appreciate any guidelines regarding submitting patches for review or development in general. For example is "diff -u" the proper format to use, or should I include Changelog diff in all patches, or should they all be sent to gcc-patches list even if the patch is initial version just for reviewing, etc.


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