On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Michael Veksler
<mveks...@tx.technion.ac.il> wrote:
> On 02/18/2013 02:02 PM, Alec Teal wrote:
>> On 18/02/13 11:40, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C-Dialect-Options.html#C-Dialect-Options
>>> Is there an option to initialize variables to known values in a C/C++
>>> program?
>>> My use case is 'debug' builds and finding use of uninitialized values
>>> that get lucky by being 0 most of the time. For example:
>>> void DoSomeithWithFoo(FOO** ppf) {
>>>    if(ppf && *ppf == NULL) {
>>>      *ppf = new FOO;
>>>      ...
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> FOO* p;
>>> DoSomeithWithFoo(&p);
>>> So I would like something that initializes to known, but non-NULL,
>>> such as 0xCDCDCDCD or 0xFDFDFDFD (similar to Visual Studio behavior).
>> ...
> I believe Jeff thinks the above is a bug in *his* code, and he wants a flag
> to
> help him spot it. By assigning non-NULL values to unintialized variables
> will,
> supposedly, make the code behave wrongly, making it easier to detect.
The reason I went looking for the flag is someone asked about a crash
on the OpenSSL mailing list. I knew it was due to an uninitialized
field (but they did not realize the value was not initialized). I
wanted to suggest a quick way to find what was not initialized.

How much code do you think would break because folks depend on getting
a 0 due to good graces or side effects (for example, the memory
manager returning a zeroized page)? What if the ".BSS" section was
initialized to 0xFF rather than a page full of NULLs?

> I agree that having gcc deliberately put garbage into uninitialized
> variables can
> be very helpful in shortening the compile-test-debug-fix loop. I run
> valgrind only
> occasionally, even though I run unit-tests after every modification. This
> means
> that bugs due to unintialized memory are sometimes detected many days after
> they were first introduced, which makes it more difficult to understand the
> bug. Testing code compiled with this flag will probably result in less bugs
> of
> this kind left to  testing by valgrind.
Yes, it's a great feature of Visual Studio. It helps you find the
point of first failure (or the potential point) quickly.

> I see the main issue with such flags in their interaction with tools like
> valgrind. Such a flag could defeat valgrind's algorithm for detecting
> unintialized local variables, unless it is made aware of the flag
> (which I don't see how it could be done, without special hints from gcc).
When building for tools such as Valgrind, don't specify the flag ;)


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