Forgive me, but I don't see where anything is guaranteed to be zero'd
before use. I'm likely wrong somewhere since you disagree.

This is about what happens to work, and specifically notes that it is
not part of the C standard. There is a big difference between programs
that obey the standard, and those that don't but happen to work on some
systems. The latter programs have latent bugs that can definitely
cause trouble.

A properly written C program should avoid uninitialized variables, just
as a properly written Ada program should avoid them.

In GNAT, we have found the Initialize_Scalars pragma to be very useful
in finding uninitialized variables. It causes all scalars to be initialized using a specified bit pattern that can be specified at
link time, and modified at run-time.

If you run a program with different patterns, it should give the same
result, if it does not, you have an uninitialized variable or other
non-standard aspect in your program which should be tracked down and

Note that the BSS-is-always-zero guarantee often does not apply when
embedded programs are restarted, so it is by no means a universal

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