Not quoting anyone here. As a long time user of GCC, I am just worried
about the project. Hence my few comments and reasons for being part of
this movement called free-software.

RMS paid a visit to our premise in year 2000 or may be 2001. The
institute where I started working as a Visiting Software Engineer in the
year 2000. After a few years he came to IIT Bombay. I travelled a long
distance just to listen him again. I knew. The speech would be same, the
cause would be same but still I went.

[I am not sure if I am allowed to write here or not. Though I have
contributed to Emacs, but I have never contributed source code to
GCC. And some people have repeatedly made me feel that this long thread
is exclusively for those who have committed source code lines in GCC.]

I don’t even know what is the qualification of the existing Steering
Committee (SC). I use GCC, because there is a cause associated with
it. Since, last five years I have been reading articles about
superiority of a competing compiler technology - LLVM. But the original
concerns of RMS are clearly visible. Apple keeps the important
optimizations to itself. And many other software giants are also doing
it. Fair enough. They stick to their ideology. They release the code
only when it is longer a threat to their competitive advantage.

I have seriously started looking into Rust when I read about resumption
of work on ‘gccrs’. Such is the effect of this movement on me.

Coming to diversity. I have never seen people travelling 12000 miles to
convince people to join a cause. I am not talking about the
sponsored/luxurious conferences. I am talking about sleeping in a
sleeping-bag for weeks and sharing home-cooked meals with fellow
free-software activists in the remotest part of the world. Don’t get me
wrong. I would certainly like someone who has done more than this for
diversity. I am speaking this from experience. And I don’t have the said

My only request to the remaining members of the SC is that - do take a
wise decision. And there is no need to overwhelmed
yourself. Organization, cause, and here the project, is bigger than the
people. People may come and go, people may saying anything. The project
should continue to be lazer focused, and serve the society.

Pankaj Jangid

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