Happy New Year to you too, Abel.

Other drivers, such as PCI and NITF,  include some files in the data
directory.  See  https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/data.
Distributions generally copy these to $prefix/share/gdal on unix-like
systems. I'm not aware of a practice of copying data out of a driver's
directory to that same location, though it's probably possible with Cmake.
Your driver's own directory won't necessarily exist on a system where you
install GDAL.

For datum files, have you checked whether they already exist in the PROJ

On Sat, Jan 6, 2024, 2:32 PM Abel Pau via gdal-dev <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org>

> Hi,
> Happy New 2024 to everyone who celebrates it!
> I am programming a driver and in some point I need to read a file that
> contains some information (and it’s better to keep this in a file than in c
> code) about the Horizontal Reference System.
> I have this file here: “GDAL\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\miramon”, but when coding I
> don’t know how to get to this folder.
> There is any method to open a file (using VSIFOpenL(), for instance) in
> THIS specific directory? Can I use “GDAL\ogr\ogrsd_frmts\miramon” like that?
> If not, where can I put this file to be found when executing the code? And
> how to write this path in the code?
> Thanks in advance!!
> *Abel Pau Garcia*
> *GIS developer*
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