
actually the below question made me reconsider the current monolithic approach how data files are store in the source tree, to a cleaner one where each driver stores its potential data files in a specifc subdirectory and is responsible to install them (still in $prefix/share/gdal) : https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/9087 . This improves relating data files to the driver that need them.

This has no impact on the installed artifacts. Note that when working with a development build, GDAL_DATA should now point to ${top_build_dir}/data, and no longer to ${top_source_dir}/data.


Le 06/01/2024 à 22:32, Abel Pau via gdal-dev a écrit :


Happy New 2024 to everyone who celebrates it!

I am programming a driver and in some point I need to read a file that contains some information (and it’s better to keep this in a file than in c code) about the Horizontal Reference System.

I have this file here: “GDAL\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\miramon”, but when coding I don’t know how to get to this folder.

There is any method to open a file (using VSIFOpenL(), for instance) in THIS specific directory? Can I use “GDAL\ogr\ogrsd_frmts\miramon” like that?

If not, where can I put this file to be found when executing the code? And how to write this path in the code?

Thanks in advance!!

*Abel Pau Garcia*

*GIS developer*



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