ok Even,

so, as my driver is not already online I have to do some changes at this part 
of the code, don’t I?

At this moment I have the file in the folder GDAL\data (my GDAL_DATA 
environment variable).
I call it like that.
aMMIDDBFFile=CPLFindFile("gdal", "MM_m_idofic.csv");

Do I have to move the file to somewhere? where?
Sorry cause it’s difficult for me imagine what to do.


De: Even Rouault <even.roua...@spatialys.com>
Enviado el: dimarts, 16 de gener de 2024 16:38
Para: Abel Pau <a....@creaf.uab.cat>; gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org
Asunto: Re: [gdal-dev] Where to fins my own files


actually the below question made me reconsider the current monolithic approach 
how data files are store in the source tree, to a cleaner one where each driver 
stores its potential data files in a specifc subdirectory and is responsible to 
install them (still in $prefix/share/gdal) :  
https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/9087 . This improves relating data files to 
the driver that need them.

This has no impact on the installed artifacts. Note that when working with a 
development build, GDAL_DATA should now point to ${top_build_dir}/data, and no 
longer to ${top_source_dir}/data.

Le 06/01/2024 à 22:32, Abel Pau via gdal-dev a écrit :
Happy New 2024 to everyone who celebrates it!

I am programming a driver and in some point I need to read a file that contains 
some information (and it’s better to keep this in a file than in c code) about 
the Horizontal Reference System.
I have this file here: “GDAL\ogr\ogrsf_frmts\miramon”, but when coding I don’t 
know how to get to this folder.

There is any method to open a file (using VSIFOpenL(), for instance) in THIS 
specific directory? Can I use “GDAL\ogr\ogrsd_frmts\miramon” like that?

If not, where can I put this file to be found when executing the code? And how 
to write this path in the code?

Thanks in advance!!

Abel Pau Garcia
GIS developer
Let's chat on 
Tel. +34 934814277
www.creaf.cat<http://www.creaf.cat> | http://blog.creaf.cat
CREAF. Campus UAB. Edifici C. 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

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