Steve Meier wrote:
> I am seeking good references for verilog, VHDL and spice syntext
> specificaly with the idea of supporting hierarchical net lists. Online
> or recomendations for purchase.
> I desire this material as my code is reaching a level of maturity that
> would make simulation of complex designs interesting.
> Thanks,
> Steve Meier

For verilog and "spice" (I'm including things like spice2, spice3, 
hspice, spectre, etc under the "spice" heading), it is quite simple.

note, exact syntax may vary for the passing of parameters, but this 
should demonstrate the idea.  See for examples of 

You'll note that there is almost nothing special or extra to do with 
hierarchy.  You simply have a flat netlist for each level in the 
hierarchy and instantiate subcircuits.

--- SPICE ------------------------------------------------------

* basic CMOS inverter with parameter passing (in, out, vdd, vss)
.subckt myinv 1 2 100 200 WP=30u WN=10u
M1  2  1  100  100  PFET  W='WP' L=1u
M2  2  1  200  200  NFET  W='WN' L=1u

* a buffer (non inverting)
.subckt mybuf in out vdd vss N=1
xinv1 in inv vdd vss myinv WP='N*10u' WN='N*5u'
xinv2 inv out vdd vss myinv WP='N*30u' WN='N*15u'

* and now a circuit which uses the buffer

* power/ground
vvdd vdd 0 dc 5.0
vvss vss 0 dc 0.0

* a 1x buffer
xbuf1 in buf1_out vdd vss mybuf

* a 4x buffer
xbuf2 in buf2_out vdd vss mybuf N=4

* add stimulus, etc here...

--- SPICE ------------------------------------------------------

--- spectre ------------------------------------------------------

// basic CMOS inverter with parameter passing (in, out, vdd, vss)
subckt myinv 1 2 100 200
parameters WP=30u WN=10u
M1  (2  1  100  100)  PFET  W=WP L=1u
M2  (2  1  200  200)  NFET  W=WN L=1u
ends myinv

// a buffer (non inverting)
subckt mybuf in out vdd vss
parameters N=1
xinv1 (in inv vdd vss) myinv WP=N*10u WN=N*5u
xinv2 (inv out vdd vss) myinv WP=N*30u WN=N*15u
ends mybuf

// and now a circuit which uses the buffer

// power/ground
vvdd (vdd 0) vsource type=dc dc=5.0
vvss (vss 0) vsource type=dc dc=0.0

// a 1x buffer
xbuf1 (in buf1_out vdd vss) mybuf

// a 4x buffer
xbuf2 (in buf2_out vdd vss) mybuf N=4

// add stimulus, etc here...

--- spectre ------------------------------------------------------

--- verilog ------------------------------------------------------

module myinv(in out vdd vss)
input in, vdd, vss;
output out;
wire out;

parameter DELAY=5;

// (I may have the delay syntax wrong, verilog book isn't in front of me)
assign #DELAY out = ~in;

module mybuf(in out vdd vss)
input in, vdd, vss;
output out;
wire int, out;

defparam inv1.DELAY=2
myinv inv1(.in(in), .out(int), .vdd(vdd), .vss(vss))
defparam inv1.DELAY=3
myinv inv2(.in(int),.out(out), .vdd(vdd), .vss(vss))


module testbench

wire in, out1, out2;
reg vdd, vss;

mybuf buf1(.in(in), .out(out1), .vdd(vdd), .vss(vss))
mybuf buf2(.in(in), .out(out2), .vdd(vdd), .vss(vss))

// some stimulus here...

--- verilog ------------------------------------------------------

In all of these, the basic idea is the same.  Each level of hierarchy 
has its own netlist inside of a subcircuit or a module.  Then other 
blocks are instantiated.

Note the decided lack of doing anything silly like producing a flattened 
netlist for the whole design.  That kills the ability for humans to 
effectively read the netlist (needed all too often) and simulators to do 
various optimizations.

Hope this helps.


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