On Nov 29, 2007, at 6:49 AM, Ben Jackson wrote:

On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 06:46:02AM +0900, John Doty wrote:

Make a symbol representing the subcircuit. Include the attribute
source=whatever.sch, where whatever.sch is the schematic of the
subcircuit. In whatever.sch, attach input and output symbols from the
"io" symbol library.

I was thinking gschem could use a 'make symbol' wizard for that.  It'd
be nice if you could draw a subcircuit and just have the IO pins turn
into a simple boxsym automatically.  It would make it much easier to
build hierarchical schematics that have a nice, clear toplevel block
diagram as the first sheet.

How would it know how to arrange the pins?

The example symbol I posted started as a tragesym description:

# This is the template file for creating symbols with tragesym
# every line starting with '#' is a comment line.

# wordswap swaps labels if the pin is on the right side an looks like this:
#   "PB1 (CLK)". That's useful for micro controller port labels
# rotate_labels rotates the pintext of top and bottom pins
#   this is useful for large symbols like FPGAs with more than 100 pins
# sort_labels will sort the pins by it's labels
#   useful for address ports, busses, ...

# name will be printed in the top of the symbol
# name is only some graphical text, not an attribute
# version specifies a gschem version.
# if you have a device with slots, you'll have to use slot= and slotdef=
# use comment= if there are special information you want to add
description=Sequencer building block
dist-license=Creative Commons Share Alike
use-license=Creative Commons Share Alike

# tabseparated list of pin descriptions
# ----------------------------------------
# pinnr is the physical number of the pin
# seq is the pinseq= attribute, leave it blank if it doesn't matter
# type can be (in, out, io, oc, oe, pas, tp, tri, clk, pwr)
# style can be (line,dot,clk,dotclk,none). none if only want to add a net
# posit. can be (l,r,t,b) or empty for nets
# net specifies the name of the net. Vcc or GND for example.
# label represents the pinlabel.
#       negation lines can be added with "\_" example: \_enable\_ 
#       if you want to write a "\" use "\\" as escape sequence
#pinnr  seq     type    style   posit.  net     label   
1       1       in      dot     l               \_J1A\_
2       2       in      dot     l               \_J1B\_
3       3       in      dot     l               \_K1A\_
4       4       in      dot     l               \_K1B\_
5       5       in      dotclk  l               \_CLK\_
6       6       in      dot     l               \_J2A\_
7       7       in      dot     l               \_J2B\_
8       8       in      dot     l               \_K2A\_
9       9       in      dot     l               \_K2B\_
10      10      out     line    r               Q1
11      11      out     line    r               Q2
12      12      pwr     line    t               +3.3D
13      13      pwr     line    b               Gnd

I note that another interesting use of this gschem/gnetlist feature is to keep all of those hidden power and ground nets organized, since nets in a subcircuit instance are separate from others of the same name unless you connect them explicitly (as I did in this example).

Ben Jackson AD7GD

geda-user mailing list

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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