> it doesn't help that guile-gtk basically died.  gwave either has to do a 
> rewrite and dump guile-gtk or it has to use guile-gnome (or whatever it 
> is called) which adds another whole large pile of dependencies. 
> Otherwise it is stuck with guile-gtk that uses gtk1.

I have guile-gtk-2.0 which uses gtk2 and builds without problems on Fedora 8. 
The tarball is dated Dec 22, 2006 and ia avalable at 
The problem I have with gwave is guile related. Some time ago there was a guile 
1.6 compatibility package in Fedora Extras repository, intended for use with 
previous releases of gEDA. 

> I wonder if efforts are better spent on adding/improving the analog 
> capabilities of gtkwave instead.
> -Dan

Wojciech Kazubski

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