On Saturday 01 December 2007, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> *  If you use ngspice for simulation, you can use an Octave
> plug-in to plot your results using Octave.  (Octave is an
> open-source MATLAB equivalent.) Here's a link:
> http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/octavespice.html
> If Gnucap exports .raw files, then you could go this route
> with Gnucap also.  Al, does Gnucap export .raw?

Gnucap does not write NGspice raw file format.  It writes in a 
format that octave can read directly.

It seems strange to me that when there is an obvious, easy to 
read for humans, easy for a computer to read, easy to generate 
format, that everything except Spice uses ..  that Spice 
doesn't change to that format.

Every Spice variant has its own raw format.  They should all be 
thrown away.

The Spice rawfiles made sense at the beginning, but became a 
burden after a few years.  It should have been archived when 
Spice was rewritten in C.

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