Hi Al, Stuart and all,

On Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007, al davis wrote:
> On Saturday 01 December 2007, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> > *  If you use ngspice for simulation, you can use an Octave
> > plug-in to plot your results using Octave.  (Octave is an
> > open-source MATLAB equivalent.) Here's a link:
> >
> > http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/octavespice.html
> >
> > If Gnucap exports .raw files, then you could go this route
> > with Gnucap also.  Al, does Gnucap export .raw?
> Gnucap does not write NGspice raw file format.  It writes in a
> format that octave can read directly.

That's right, but the format still does not contain all required 
informations to use the data.

* your loosing the headlines
* when running a dc simulation with more than one variable your loosing 
the second scale.
* (more than one plot possible in one file)

> It seems strange to me that when there is an obvious, easy to
> read for humans, easy for a computer to read, easy to generate
> format, that everything except Spice uses ..  that Spice
> doesn't change to that format.

> Every Spice variant has its own raw format.  They should all be
> thrown away.

Yes, but I'd still would like to have a "standard" binary format. 
hdf5 would be nice.


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