On Sun, 2009-03-29 at 10:33 -0500, John Griessen wrote:
> Peter Clifton wrote:
> > There isn't a great deal of info on the violation shown, hopefully
> > zooming to it obviates the need to take up screen-space with coordinate
> > readouts. (I'd imagine a tooltip, or "Details" pane might make a nice
> > addition if this was required).
> Arrows are good, but need to be at the scale of the DRC, (tiny when zoomed 
> out).  How about when generating a tooltip, also
> cause a 1 inch window that is part of the GUI in a fixed location, or 
> hovering like a tooltip, to show the arrows plus a little?
> In other words, picturs just as you've shown in a list format, but not all 
> generated at once, only as needed by a mouse hover?

I was thinking (as I believe DJ suggested a while back), that the arrows
could also be overlaid on top of the PCB board as well, so when
finding / fixing the DRC, the information could be overlaid.

Another possibility is a bold red / orange / whatever colour circle
indicating the areas directly on the board (at whatever zoom).

I'd make the annotations mouse-over to a pre-light colour (indicating
they are "live" controls, then have them "click-to-zoom" right into the
violation. It might clash, but some kind of "Press Escape" to zoom back
out where I was before could be handy after you've fixed the violation.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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