On Sun, 29 Mar 2009 11:55:37 -0400, John Luciani wrote:

> I really like DJs idea of the DRC error layer. Place a circle around
> each DRC error on the DRC error layer. When you mouse-over the error
> details could appear.

If the proposed pop-up contains as much information as the dialog in 
Peters mock-up, it would grow to an annoying size. You'd have to make 
sure, it does not extend off-screen, nor block the view on the actual 
site of violation. IMHO, mouse-over events would be better bound to more 
graphic feedback during edit actions. 

> Please do not add dialog boxes.

I like to work with two screens. This would mix well with peters design. 
The dialog with the list of current violations would sit on the right 
while the layout can be dealt with on the left screen. 

A separate DRC window makes it easier to deal with a bunch of "accepted" 


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