Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> If the proposed pop-up contains as much information as the dialog in 
> Peters mock-up, it would grow to an annoying size. You'd have to make 
> sure, it does not extend off-screen, nor block the view on the actual 
> site of violation. IMHO, mouse-over events would be better bound to more 
> graphic feedback during edit actions. 

[jg]  I like that style also.  The details can fly by in the command window and 
log files of that.

[jg]  IOW, a mouse over could generate a repeat of the DRC error details adding 
to the size of the log file and length
       of command window history text.  For a graphic tool like pcb, a mouse 
over popup is one thing, many users would not like it
       to pop in their face, and it would be nice to be able to trigger a 
fixed/user-locatable small window update
       instead of a popup, configurable of course by the all-controlling-user 
without changing source or recompiling.

Ben Jackson wrote:
 > I also like the idea of a DRC layer.  I think you still need something like
 > the dialog to help you navigate it.

[jg] OK. A dialog for stepping through DRCs.  But not triggered by a hover -- 
too invasive -- many of us
      move the mouse as we track our eyes, ready to select and act on it.
      Triggering a hover action then would be counterproductive.

[jg] I would only ever use "show-DRC-details-in-toolbar-window" if such
      a  GUI feature came available -- never a popup.

John G

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