> Even better is to use more than one window to view/edit layout at once.
> How are we on that front?

Nowhere yet.  I'd like to update the GUIs to support more than one
drawing window at a time; we have something like that with the pinout
window but it's not generic.  Once N windows are supported, we can add
"views" all over the place - in dialogs, on other monitors, etc.

One goal is two-monitor setups - one monitor for just the board, no
decoration.  The second (smaller?) monitor has the GUI and always
shows the whole board, but with a panner or scrollbars to control the
other monitor's view.

> Is the interprocess communication in pcb ready for opening another
> window on the same data that is also up to date as data changes?

You don't need IPC for that, just create another drawing window.

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