Peter Clifton wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-03-29 at 10:33 -0500, John Griessen wrote:
>> Peter Clifton wrote:
>>> There isn't a great deal of info on the violation shown, hopefully
>>> zooming to it obviates the need to take up screen-space with coordinate
>>> readouts. (I'd imagine a tooltip, or "Details" pane might make a nice
>>> addition if this was required).
>> Arrows are good, but need to be at the scale of the DRC, (tiny when zoomed 
>> out).  How about when generating a tooltip, also
>> cause a 1 inch window that is part of the GUI in a fixed location, or 
>> hovering like a tooltip, to show the arrows plus a little?
>> In other words, picturs just as you've shown in a list format, but not all 
>> generated at once, only as needed by a mouse hover?
> I was thinking (as I believe DJ suggested a while back), that the arrows
> could also be overlaid on top of the PCB board as well, so when
> finding / fixing the DRC, the information could be overlaid.

A commercial tool I use a good bit presents a list of drc types (I 
assume thats what you'd get if you checked the group like violations 
button in your mockup).  You can then toggle the visibility of each. 
Then on the layout, you can tell it to zoom from violation to violation 
and it will draw the area of the violation in some outline color.

I find it really useful because it shows directly the region where the 
violation is.  For example if you have a metal spacing violation it will 
draw a polygon showing the entire region where the spacing is not enough.

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