ada orang yg gampang kebakaran jenggot ha ha ha lha memang kenyataannya begitu, di US NEWS Global tidak ada country yg namanya Indonesia padahal negara2 tetangga seperti Singapore, Thailand, dan Malaysia ada disana. Eh ya Timor Lorosae juga tidak ada disana, tetapi hal yg bisa dimaklumi mengingat baru seumur jagung dan kawasan yg kecil sekali. Ini khan artinya dalam pandangan dunia pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia sama sekali tidak dipandang tidak peduli begitu bejibunnya universitas yg ada dan sekian banyaknya mereka yg dapat gelar sarjana bahkan sampai doktoral segala. Langkah pertama seharusnya dgn rendah hati menerima dan kemudian melakukan instropeksi dan evaluasi utk menerapkan langkah2 selanjutnya, tetapi kalau Indonesia mungkin tidak terima yg dilakukan melakukan protes dan bahkan mengenakan sanksi mereka yg memberi peringkat seperti yg dilakukan ibu Menkeu ha ha ha. Hal lain, pendidikan selalu berkaitan dgn anggaran yg disediakan. Di Indonesia anggaran banyak sekali diserap utk sekolah2 agama (Islam) yg terus terang saja tidak bermutu sama sekali dan tidak membuat cerdas bahkan cenderung membuat orang berpikir sempit dan intoleran. Apa yg bisa diharapkan bila pikiran terus terpancang pd 1600-an th yg lalu jaman onta makan kaktus.
---In, <nesare1@...> wrote : Kenapa harus membandingkan Indonesia dengan RRT dan USA?Kalau niatnya memang menghina, ya jelas kelihatan intensinya.Tetapi kalau mau mendorong supaya Indonesia lebih maju, coba kasih saran bagaimana universitas2 di Indonesia itu dapat memajukan dirinya dan selanjutnya memajukan bangsa indonesia. Coba mulai berdiskusi, dengan system Pendidikan tingginya, gaji dosen, fasilitas, pemilik universitas itu siapa, bagaimana kultur belajar dan mengajar, bagaimana rakyat didaerah yang lebih miskin dan jauh dari kota (dimana universitas berada) dapat belajar di universitas dst…dst… Sebelum berdiskusi, sudah mengeluarkan pertanyaan: “Kapan Indonesia menyusul? Yg jelas waktu searching Indonesia hasil yg didapat "Not Matches Found" dalam semua kategori.”Ini model penghina/tukang bashing bukan pendorong utk memikirkan bangsa Indonesia supaya bisa maju. Nesare From: [] Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 12:13 PM To: Gelora 45 <>; Jonathan Goeij <jonathangoeij@...> Subject: Re: [GELORA45] Re: GRAHAM ALLISON: "AMERICA SECOND? " "YES." NKRI nomor berapa? On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Jonathan Goeij jonathangoeij@... [GELORA45] <> wrote: Kelihatannya benar sekali, dalam kategori engineering Tsinghua menempati posisi pertama disusul MIT kedua dan UC Berkeley ketiga. Bahkan dalam daftar 10 besar engineering Tiongkok dan Amerika keduanya masing2 menempatkan 4 university dan Singapore 2 university. Dalam sejarah memang banyak penemuan engineering diawali di Tiongkok terutama pada pembangunan Tembok Besar seperti roda pedati, katrol, dll. Tentu masuk akal kalau sekarang kemajuan engineering kembali ke Tiongkok, dan bukan hanya dalam pendidikan saja tetapi juga dalam penemuan2 baru. Angkat topi! Kapan Indonesia menyusul? Yg jelas waktu searching Indonesia hasil yg didapat "Not Matches Found" dalam semua kategori. ---In, <ehhlin@...> wrote : GRAHAM ALLISON America second? Yes, and China’s lead is only growingChina’s Tsinghua University dethroned MIT (above) as the top engineering university in the world in 2015, according to US News and World Report’s annual rankings.By Graham Allison May 22, 2017 In Boston, Commencement season is a time to celebrate our world-leading universities, including engineering powerhouse MIT. But Bostonians might be shocked to learn that China’s Tsinghua University dethroned MIT as the top engineering university in the world in 2015, according to the closely-watched US News & World Report annual rankings. Tsinghua’s recent surge is not an isolated example. Everyone knows about China’s rise, but few have realized its magnitude or its consequences.Among the top 10 schools of engineering, China and the United States now each have four. In STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), which provide the core competencies driving advances in the fastest-growing sectors of modern economies, China annually graduates four times as many students as the United States (1.3 million vs. 300,000). And in every year of the Obama administration, Chinese universities awarded more PhDs in STEM fields than American universities.For Americans who grew up in a world in which USA meant “number one,” the idea that China could truly challenge the United States as a global educational leader seems impossible to imagine.This is not the only reality Americans willfully ignore. In my national security course at Harvard, the lecture on China begins with a quiz. Students get a sheet with 25 indicators of economic performance. Their task is to estimate when China might overtake the United States as the top producer or market of automobiles, supercomputers, smartphones, and so on. Most are stunned to learn that China has already surpassed the United States on each of these metrics.I then ask whether they believe that in their lifetime China will overtake the United States to become the largest economy in the world. In last year’s class of 60 students, about half bet they would live to see the United States become number two, while half disagreed.When I show the class headlines from the 2014 IMF-World Bank meeting announcing that China had become the largest economy in the world, students react with a mix of dismay and disbelief. By 2016, China’s GDP was $21 trillion and America’s was $18.5 trillion, when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP), which both the CIA and IMF agree is the best yardstick for comparing national economies.Students are not the only ones in the dark about China’s rise. Most of the press has similarly missed the big picture. The favorite story line in the Western media about the Chinese economy is “slowdown.” The question few pause to ask is: slowing compared to whom? The American press’s favorite adjective to describe our economic performance has been “recovering.” But despite its “slowdown,” China today is growing three times as fast as the United States.President Trump’s claims that we have been “losing” to China reflect, in part, the reality of a shifting see-saw. A bigger, stronger China is challenging American interests in the South China Sea, taking our jobs, buying American companies, and replacing us as the primary trading partner of nations not only in its neighborhood, but also in Europe, where China recently unseated the United States as Germany’s largest trading partner.Trump’s call to “Make America Great Again” struck a chord with voters. Number one is who we are. But politically appealing slogans are not a solution for the dramatic resurgence of a 5,000-year old civilization with 1.4 billion people, led by a president whose own mission is the “Great Rejuvenation” of China — in other words, to “Make China Great Again.” To construct a grand strategy for the China challenge that protects vital US interests without catastrophic conflict, policy makers must begin by recognizing these uncomfortable but undeniable realities.Graham Allison is the director of Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and the author of the forthcoming book “Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?”