On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 6:46 AM, Jiayuan Meng <jerryh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you all for the suggestions!
> === I have the following questions: ===
> 1. how would M5 support plugins with pseudo instructions in the ISA?
> Following Gabe's thoughts:
>    * M5 can provide general, customizable pseudo instructions
>          One possibility is to have this pseudo instruction take several
> parameters, with one of the parameter being an operation ID which developers
> can link the ID to the function to be called (like how system calls are
> handled).

Right now this is just a gleam in Gabe's eye, I believe.  With the
current code base, pseudo instructions require code modifications in
the ISA description so they can't be done without changing the main

>    * As more people are considering to use M5, M5 can become more popular
> with a "plugin" website for people to download plugins/patches approved by
> your team to customize M5. The fact is that for now, those contributions
> either go into the mainline or they don't appear at all.

We're generally pretty willing to host plugins/extras as separate
repos on repo.m5sim.org.  The m5threads and encumbered repos are
already examples of this (sort of).  I hadn't really considered
hosting a patch queue and not a repository that's added in via EXTRAS,
but we could consider that.

> 2. how can I get m5threads? I searched online and and looked at m5 user
> discussions, but can't find a place to download it.


> ==== And to summarize your opinions r.t. potential contributions ===
> ***  It's green light for the following two items:
> 4. Batch Simulation System : I will document briefly and send a tarball to
> Nate
> 1. Multi-threaded TimingSimpleCPU:
> *** The following items are wanted features but they have several concerns:
> 2. SIMD cores (depend on #3) : requires two additional instructions in the
> 3. Parallel Thread API in SE mode : requires one instruction in the ISA, and
> it appends the system call list. Need to be compared with M5threads.
> *** The following items are back burners and might be useful:
> directory-based cache coherence, interconnects

Perhaps the best next step for all of these is to upload patches to
reviews.m5sim.org?  That would let us look at the code directly and
give you feedback rather than asking questions about how it works.

> Let me know if I missed anything.

Sounds good to me... thank you!

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