Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I have started to use python myself because I loved the much faster try/fail cycle of a scripting language and python looked a lot friendlier than other scripting languages.

But in my experience, it doesn't scale in terms of complexity as much as java does.

This is my impression also :-(

Also, it seems that there is a lot of black magic in getting it to run very solidly, while java has years of polishing on seriously loaded environments.

So, I wonder: what would you think about a gump in java?

Gump went from Ant to Java and XSLT scripts to Python... now what? ;-)

The question I'm asking myself is: what are we trying to solve? Is Java the answer to the Pyhon Gump problems and to all the preceding ones?

The first thing I thought was "yeah" but I'm afraid it's something that will change yet again.

Ant and xslt: it was used because it's used to build, so it seemes natural to choose it * cons: complexity (AFAIK)

Scripts with xslt: it was used because scripts basically don't give any
                   dependency in Unix environments, and are completely
                   separate from the things that they are building
     * cons: obscurity and black magic

Python: it's a language that many developers know or can learn easily
        enough, and can be installed in different environments
     * cons: it isn't as clear as we thought in the first place and
             seems like a PITA to tune and still not trivial to install

Java: it's truly cross-platform and the Gump PMC members all know it
      quite well; easy to install
     * cons: dunno

Probably before the language we should ask ourselves how the code has to be structured. Maybe we should evaluate the new DOM-based Gump and discuss on that.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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