On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 04:44PM, Todd Lipcon wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> <chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> ...
> > I doubt that. Creating TLPs either directly by going to the board, or
> > via going to the Incubator should involve a set of members of the
> > committee (PMC) that desire to work together; that ideally trust one 
> > another; that
> > are inclusive to others who jump on the list and discuss things; and that
> > collect these principles into the "Apache way", and build and deliver 
> > software at
> > no cost to the public via this Foundation.
> Just because we argue doesn't mean we don't desire to work together.
> Smart passionate people will argue. I argue with my colleagues here at
> Cloudera, I argue with Hortonworkers, and I argue with Facebookers -
> it doesn't really matter much. I still enjoy getting beers with them
> when I end up at conferences. No hard feelings, we're all adults,
> right?

(sorry for snipping...)

That's a truly amazing, Todd, and you certainly are lucky to be working in
such a great environment!

(the following isn't a stab at you, personally, so please don't get it that way)
I was "terminated" from my previous job because I was expressing my opinions
on this list all too freely. And the said opinions happened to be misaligned
with the "official party line" of my then-employer. Or was it because my
opinions were hurting somebody else, that my employer didn't want to piss off
at the time?  Hmm... does my memory getting vague? Hardly so. And it's exactly
when I have added the disclaimer below to my apache email account's signature.
But no hard feeling, I guess, right?

So let's put it straight - politics is hurting this community but in the
pursuit of the 'best interest' haven't we became a bit too complacent?

Is there a way around it? I am sure there is!
Will we find that way? Only time will tell, I guess.

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this email are those of the author, and do
not necessarily represent the views of any company the author might be
affiliated with at the moment of writing.

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