On 7/29/03 5:50 PM, "Roy T. Fielding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In other words, there are insufficient volunteers to accept any new
> projects at Apache right now.  Please come back at a later date, or
> volunteer to do the work and I'll give you cvs access.

With all do respect Roy, there are sufficient volunteers to accept THIS
project into Apache.  There are not ever going to be sufficient volunteers
to accept "projects" into Apache.  No amount of social engineering or
chastising will change this.  An alternative would be to adapt structures
which support the social patterns of the community rather than trying to
change the social patterns of the community.  We've tried the latter up
until now.


Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI

For Java and Excel, Got POI?

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