On 7/29/2003 2:50 PM, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

I've no issue with rules, except when we say we have rules but can't articulate them. Example #1. What should the names of the mailing lists and CVS be? [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We don't have that rule. Nicola Ken suggested creating such a rule.

My opinion is that we will continue to meander around until someone
who gives a rat's ass about some new project volunteers to set up
the incubation process.  Right now, nobody even wants to chair the PMC
because anyone who attempts to lead is shot down and everyone who wants
to create a new project is unwilling to work on documenting its progress.

I'm willing up to a certain point to do some work on this. My frustration is that
the incubator has existed for quite some time, and should already have some project
guidelines like the ones that I referred to.

The reason that people don't want to work on documenting the progress is that they
don't like the process. They were told to go through the process by the ASF. Inside
the ASF we have been told to use the incubator (whether we like it or not). People who
signed up to be on the incubator volunteered to do the work of setting up guidelines and
giving advice to new projects. So where are the guidelines? Where is the board oversight
of the incubator as a project?

In other words, there are insufficient volunteers to accept any new
projects at Apache right now.  Please come back at a later date, or
volunteer to do the work and I'll give you cvs access.

This is not true. Steven Noels, myself, and Berin Lautenbach are working to get this project
into Apache. I certainly didn't know that I was volunteering to do the Incubator PMC's job
for it. I already have CVS access for incubator. I'd much rather you gave me root and apmail
so that I can create the stuff that this project needs. Fortunately for the incubator PMC,
Cliff and Berin are willing to do some work to improve the incubator process.


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