On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 18:57, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 11:28, Rodney Waldhoff wrote:
> > ----------------------------------------
> > Ballot 2:
> > ----------------------------------------
> > Since Axion is to be a sub-project of the Apache DB project and is
> > currently comprised of long standing ASF members and committers, and since
> > some members of the Incubator PMC have recently expressed an interest in
> > only incubating what is to become top level projects,

I still don't get where this came from.

> The only thing that could really present a problem is the legal stuff,
> after that let it go. If the PMC decides the projects sucks  for
> whatever reason then it can toss it out. If a project wants to go TLP
> then let them (I don't care anymore, users will ultimately decide what
> is shit and what isn't) and if it's a big flop then kick them out. The
> Incubator is a morass and big hinderance to getting anything done.

You're taking this a bit too lightly.  A TLP will have a Chair who
will be a V.P. of the foundation.  A V.P. can sign documents on
behalf of the foundation, etc.


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