I like the idea.

so +1 (non-binding)

but how should that really work?

Each incubator project could have nominated
two or three PMC members whose job is to pay attention to the project.

How does a podling know which to nominate etc?

The need for that is there, of course. I try to do the best I can
(as committer and my "Apache background") to help on the adffaces
(trinidad) podling.

Some questions are still there.
Mostly I ask this list on it.

On 7/12/06, Martin van den Bemt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On 7/11/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> (And I'll note now that I'm interested in participating, although can't
>> commit the time to be a mentor right now.)
> this seems like a good opportunity to reintroduce an existing issue (
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/200607.mbox/[EMAIL 
> under a better heading :-)
> the incubator seems to be moving to favouring more mentors. this works
> better in many ways: it gives an initial ppmc a builtin quruom and provides
> better oversight. the role of a solo mentor has traditionally been
> difficult
> and has consumed a lot of energy. multiple mentors would allow wider
> participation (without some of the current worries about mentors becoming
> overstretched by working on too many projects).
> but this approach may lead to problems if none of the mentors actually have
> enough consistent energy to devote to the podling.
> i've been wondering whether the answer may be to have a chair for each ppmc
> analogous to the role of the pmc chair. the initial pmc would be
> composed of
> the mentors for the podling and so a chair would need to be elected from
> within their number. at least one mentor would therefore need to commit to
> devote the energy required to perform this role. they would also form the
> first point of contact for the incubator pmc.
> opinions?
> - robert

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Matthias Wessendorf

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blog: http://jroller.com/page/mwessendorf
mail: mwessendorf-at-gmail-dot-com

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