Cliff Schmidt wrote:

> This addresses my concern about formally identifying the mentor who is
> taking the key responsibility for the podling (rather than three
> rarely available mentors with no one of them taking responsibility).

The problem isn't the lack of a single mentor, it is the failing of the
three.  What we really want are active mentors.

> It also allows this mentor to demonstrate the role of a chair

How hard is it to understand that the PMC Chair has no role (slight
hyperbole)?  If the PMC Chair is a visible role, the community is already in
trouble.  The only role that a PMC Chair normally fills is getting the
quarterly report filed.  And this is why I feel strongly that we are
discussing the wrong thing to do.  Projects should not be trained to rely
upon an individual; they should be trained to act collaboratively.

Yes, I understand that it just feels so much safer to have someone in
authority to point to --- hence the whole thing with the Golden Calf --- but
that's not the way the ASF works.  It only works that way as a safety net
for when when things go bad.

        --- Noel

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