Jukka Zitting wrote:

On 8/15/06, Bob Scheifler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's important to note that the JDP is not a process for
*developing* standards, but for *approving* them.  The JDP is
a backend decision process, not a frontend development process.
Most of the specifications that have been approved under the JDP
were in fact developed within the same project that did the
initial (and in many cases, still the only) implementation.

I believe that this is actually a major structural cause for not
having other implementations of the standard. Thus, and as pointed out
by other people as well, if the goal of the Jini community really is
to have independent implementations, the Jini standards should be
managed by a separate body.

I don't think it's correct to assume that JDP/existing processes are a structural cause for not having other implementations.

We have multiple implementations of JavaSpaces - mine, which is opensource (blitz javaspaces) and a commercial (gigaspaces).

There is an opensource Lookup Service in development, called Perrin, that I am aware of. Psinaptic have a commercial Lookup Service designed for use with embedded devices.

There is also another Transaction Manager available to replace Mahalo, called Cohesions from Paremus/Choreology.

Speaking as the author of Blitz, the reasons I haven't bothered re-implementing the other specs are:

(1)  I have no particular personal technical interest in them right now

(2) They're more often that not good enough (though I've been tempted to re-implement Mahalo myself)

(3) I think there's more useful work to be done in developing additional frameworks, specs and services to sit on top of what we already have.

(4) Those that are using the available implementations are by and large happy with them judging by a lack of complaints and I am therefore putting my energy into wider adoption as well as the stuff I identified in (3).

At no point have I, and it seems others, been put off by the JDP - in fact, most of us have, in one way or another, been involved in the development of existing specs as part of the current Jini community.

Best wishes,


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