

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 1:42 AM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Subversion is a version control system.  You probably know it well as
> it is the version control system employed by the Apache Software
> Foundation.
>  The Subversion project would like to join the Apache Software
> Foundation to remove the overhead of having to run its own
> corporation.  The Subversion project is already run quite like an
> Apache project, and already counts a number of ASF Members amongst
> its committers.
>  Work on Subversion was originally started at CollabNet; Karl Fogel
> was hired in January 2000.  Jim Blandy, at RedHat, already had an
> initial design for the storage system, which was incorporated into the
> FS design.  In February Brian Behlendorf invited Greg Stein to
> contribute his WebDAV experience to Subversion.  Ben Colins-Sussman
> was hired in April 2000 to work on the project.  In that same month
> the first "all hands" meeting was held, where a number of "interested
> people" came together to talk about the project.
>  Subversion was run as an open source project since the early days.
> Now, more than nine years later, it retains a healthy community,
> and has a good number of committers.  In the life span of Subversion,
> several committers have switched employers and have maintained involvement.
> The committership is diverse, both geographically as well as in terms of
> employment.
>  The equivalent of the PMC consists of all the full committers to the
> Subversion project (currently around 55 people).  The community uses the
> voting process also used at the ASF.  Releases are signed off by gathering
> votes/digital signatures of each committer who verified the release
> candidate.
>  We feel the ASF and Subversion communities are very compatible,
> witness the cross interest that already exists. There is both a
> vibrant developer as well as a large and active user community.
> Technology-wise, Subversion builds on APR, and implements two Apache
> HTTP Server modules.
>  Note that Subversion has a number of related projects, which are not
> part of this proposal (e.g. cvs2svn, TortoiseSVN, Subclipse).
>  More information on Subversion can be found at
> http://www.subversion.org/ and http://subversion.tigris.org/.
>  The Subversion Corporation has a license to all source code, and has
> CLAs on file for nearly all it's committers.  That is, we have all but
> one or two full committers, and some percentage of partial committers.
>  We have a number of *user-configurable* dependencies which are not
> compatible with the AL:
>  - Neon, a HTTP client library, used by libsvn_ra_neon, is LGPL.
>   (An alternative HTTP client library, libsvn_ra_serf uses the Serf
>    library under ALv2.)
>  - Qt, KDE and GNOME libraries are also under LGPL-2.1. D-Bus (which
> is also used by libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring and libsvn_auth_kwallet) is
> under Academic Free License 2.1 or >=GPL-2.
>   (This support is for integration for KDE and GNOME's authentication
>    providers.)
>  - libintl
>   (This library provides translation support for systems without
>    a proper internationalization library.)
>  - BDB
>   (This is used by the libsvn_fs_base system which stores its data
>    in BDB; an alternative repository system called fs_fs does not
>    have this dependency.)
> ---
> Required Resources
>  - Mailing lists
>   - dev
>   - issues
>   - users
>   - private
>   - commits
>   - announce
>   - breakage (see
> http://subversion.tigris.org/ds/viewForumSummary.do?dsForumId=552)
>   - We will work with the Infrastructure team to transfer the subscriber
>     listings to the new destinations.
>  - Subversion:
>   - We have not made a decision whether we prefer Subversion should be
>     imported into the main ASF Subversion repository or be hosted as a
>     separate repository to enable early testing of the repository code.  We
>     intend to discuss this during the Incubation process before the code is
>     imported.  It is also understood that ASF infrastructure team may be
>     willing to run custom pre-release Subversion server builds for the
>     entire ASF, so this separate repository option may not be required.
>   - The Subversion source code can be found at:
>     http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/.
>  - Issue tracking
>   - We haven't made a decision between JIRA or Bugzilla at this time and
>     expect this decision to be made as part of the Incubation process.  Our
>     current issue tracking system uses Issuezilla (a fork of Bugzilla) and
>     we have not yet decided whether we want to import our previous issues
>     into the new system and will decide this in the course of the
> Incubation
>     process.
>   - Our current issue tracker is at
>     http://subversion.tigris.org/issue-tracker.html.
>  - Buildbot
>   - We currently use buildbot across a number of platforms and
> configurations
>     for automated builds and testing.  Over time, we would like to migrate
>     these services to Apache infrastructure where appropriate.
>   - Our current buildbot master is at
>     http://buildbot.subversion.org/buildbot/
>  Note that we request these resources to be at their final locations,
> not an intermediary while going through incubation.  The cost of
> switching twice would otherwise be significant due to the size of the
> existing community.
>  The Subversion team members are happy to work with and assist the ASF
> Infrastructure team to enable early deployments of its release candidates
> if
> possible.
> Initial Committers
>  The list of initial committers is at
> http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/COMMITTERS.
> The initial PMC members are those listed as full committers in that
> file (lines 1-74).
> Sponsors
>  * Champion: Greg Stein
>  * Nominated Mentors: Justin Erenkrantz, Greg Stein, Sander Striker, Daniel
> Rall
>  * Sponsor:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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