On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Leo Simons <m...@leosimons.com> wrote:
> PS: +1 to start incubation obviously. The record is 2 weeks set for
> MerlinDeveloper back in 2003...you have 9 days left to try and beat it

That is kind of incorrect. MerlinDeveloper went through Incubation, in
what we today call IP Clearance, i.e. 'code import with a single
developer', so the comparison is not accurate.

Either way, I am very happy to see Greg being as patient as he is.
Kudos! Having a release process that is more stringent than ASF's
norm, managing a high rate of releases, having all the experience of
~15 years in Apache releases, and then getting lectured by Incubator
Process Riders can't feel very constructive.

Some people seem to forget that ASF releases are not flawless (since
it is software it is almost by definition, it seems), neither
code-wise nor legally. The real value of ASF is that we try out best,
and will take corrective action in case we find a problem. But so does
many other communities. And IMHO, when we are dealing with a community
that has a user base, equal to or greater than the largest of our own
projects (my guess is that only Httpd and indirectly therefor APR) has
more users than Subversion, then we need to adjust our behavior to
accommodate the special needs that exists; frequent releases, in fact
a cornerstone in our amibitions; "Release Early, Release Often".
Subversion has made (if I count correctly, skipping 1.0.x) made 32
releases in a bit more than 4 years, shall we say 4-6 weeks per
release, or possibly about the same time it takes us to approve a
release... :-(
If anything, I think we (the Incubator) have something to learn from
these projects, more than the other way around. So, get off your high
horses and start thinking again...

I am ashamed of us...

Niclas Hedhman, Software Developer
http://www.qi4j.org - New Energy for Java

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