Sorry, didn't read the proposal very closely.  The idea was that it
would be brought into Commons Validator and become the 2.x codebase.
I like that idea and I would think it would be wise to go through the
incubator to make sure the codebase is donated "cleanly" to the ASF.
My point was mainly about the name.  If it takes over the Commons
Validator project, then we already have a name.  Issue closed.  Right?

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Kevan Miller <> wrote:
> On Feb 24, 2010, at 8:18 AM, James Carman wrote:
>> We already have Apache Commons Validator.  Why not just bring this
>> code into that project?
> Heh. That's been pretty well discussed, already, by both Commons and 
> Incubator. You can scan the logs for details. The subject was "[PROPOSAL] 
> Validation incubator for JSR-303 Bean Validation". I think the following sums 
> up where we landed on that issue (at least it pretty well sums up where I 
> landed on the issue):
> On Jan 18, 2010, at 9:55 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>> Kevan Miller wrote:
>>> I think we'd agree that a fair amount of community building will be
>>> required for this new codebase and group of committers. [However,]
>>> given the small makeup of the Commons Validator community, I don't
>>> think it's reasonable to expect the Commons community to do this
>>> community building.
>> That seems a cogent enough explanation to warrant Incubation.  Thank you.  I
>> also believe that when you talk about multiple projects collaborating
>> actively on a shared, but separately useable, codebase, a TLP is often
>> justified.
> --kevan
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