On Aug 27, 2010, at 12:15 PM, David Jencks wrote:
> To try to illustrate my thinking rather than push a name down your throat...
> Open ConnectorFramework/OpenConnectorFramework/OpenCF  OK, since you've added 
> a branding word.  Not ideal since the purpose appears overly broad
> Content Connector Framework/ContentConnectorFramework/CCF OK, since you've 
> clarified the scope.  Not ideal since has no branding word.
> OpenContentConnectorFramework/OpenCCF better since it clarifies the scope and 
> includes a branding word.

So, the word "open" somehow alleviates your concern?  I don't get that.  If 
your objection is that it comes across as being _the_ Apache connector library, 
then how does "Open" modulate that?  It's still the Apache Open Connector 
Framework.  It's still descriptive and still implies it's the one.  Besides, 
it's the ASF, isn't "Open" implied/redundant?  We would never have the Apache 
Closed Connector Framework, right?  

Likewise, the word Content implies the same "only" status, albeit here I will 
give you that it distinguishes it from Tomcat Connector somewhat, although the 
Tomcat Connector is just that, the Tomcat connector.  However, I still don't 
buy that it is a "branding" word.  Content is pretty much meaningless.  
Everything is content.  I have no doubt that we could write a plugin for ACF 
that connected to Tomcat and got Content out of it.  Heck, we already do. It's 
called a web crawler.

So, that leaves us, in my mind w/ the option of some made up name or we stick 
w/ ACF.  I'm all for a made up one if someone comes up with one, I just don't 
know what it is and no one in the community seems to have one either.  ACF fits 
and the community likes it.  It's not unprecedented at the ASF and I don't 
think it is confusing with Tomcat Connector.

At any rate, the community would like some resolution.  Should I just call an 
official vote on ACF and if it loses then we will go back to the drawing board?

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