It's unfortunate that the vote only took 24 hours on the Kafka list; it was my 
understanding that votes take 72 hours. 

Anyway, I've found some problems in the NOTICE file in that Kafka uses/ship 
NUnit but it's not in the NOTICE file.



On Nov 23, 2011, at 3:52 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:

> Hi,
> Kafka community is excited to share that RC for release of
> Kafka-0.7.0-incubating has been +1'd over at kafka-user@incubator. Please
> try it out and vote for the Apache Kafka 0.7.0-incubating release. This is
> the first release of Kafka since we've joined the Apache incubator.
> Based on the feedback from the previous vote, we have fixed the NOTICE,
> LICENSE and DISCLAIMER files. Also, we now publish the source artifacts in
> addition to the binary release artifacts.
> Vote thread
> Release artifacts
> SVN revision
> PGP release keys
> This vote is open until Wednesday, Nov 30th 10 am
> Thanks,
> Neha

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