On Nov 23, 2011, at 5:47 PM, Neha Narkhede wrote:

> Alan,
>>> It's unfortunate that the vote only took 24 hours on the Kafka list; it
> was my understanding that votes take 72 hours.
> Because the only change was in the NOTICE and DISCLAIMER files from
> previous RC, our champion (Chris C) suggested we could run a quicker lazy
> 24 hour vote.

Yeah, I'm not sure the vote can be shortened.  I could be wrong.  If it can 
then I totally agree with the inclination to get goin' with this release.  I'm 
sorry it's had so many first and starts.

>>> Anyway, I've found some problems in the NOTICE file in that Kafka
> uses/ship NUnit but it's not in the NOTICE file.
> Quoting sebb and Kafka's champion (Chris C) discussed this in the last vote
> -
>>>> 4) Your NOTICE file includes lot's of "This product includes X,
> developed by X.org" Your notice file should only include notices that you
> are *required* to have. Don't include acknowledgements in your notice file
> just for completeness.
>>>> Just to be clear: why not?
> *>>> The NOTICE file should be as short as possible, but no shorter.
> *
> Having said that, we also don't have any jar like "NUnit" in the release
> artifacts.

  B     ./bin/../clients/csharp/lib/nunit/2.5.9/nunit.framework.dll

Reading the license


it seems to me that an acknowledgment  in the product documentation is 
required.  Am I misreading their license?  (wouldn't be the first time)


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