The more the merrier!  :)


On Nov 26, 2012, at 11:50 PM, ant elder wrote:

> Great to hear, one month seemed too short to accomplish so much. I'd be
> happy to volunteer as another mentor if some fresh eyes will help.
>   ...ant
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 3:32 AM, Alan Cabrera <> wrote:
>> If we decide to give the podling another chance I would prefer to give it
>> another six months rather than just one month.  I don't think that a lot
>> can reasonably be accomplished in one month.   I would also like to see
>> some milestones set in those six months.  If the milestones are met or not
>> met then the decision at the end of six months will be less contentious.
>> Thoughts?
>> Regards,
>> Alan
>> On Nov 26, 2012, at 4:39 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
>>> +1 to Jukka's suggestion here. The world isn't going to end if we give
>> them
>>> another month, and beyond that, it will give someone besides Eric the
>> opportunity
>>> to help cruft the plan (hopefully 2 people besides Eric, since that
>> would mean
>>> 3 active peeps in the community).
>>> If that plan can't be achieved in a month, I'm +1 to retire.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chris
>>> On Nov 26, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 4:52 PM, Alan Cabrera <>
>> wrote:
>>>>> Even by the PPMC's comments they obliquely acknowledge that there's
>> not much
>>>>> activity and expressed an interested in simply keeping it around with
>> the hopes
>>>>> that something would happen; there were no concrete ideas or plans on
>> how to
>>>>> grow the community because, by their own admission, no one has the
>> time to
>>>>> work much on the project.
>>>> That lack of concrete plans is a good place to start. Anyone from the
>>>> community who opposes retirement should take it up on themselves to
>>>> provide such a concrete plan for example in time for next month's
>>>> report. Just like the caster of a technical veto should come up with
>>>> an alternative implementation. :-)
>>>> As an example of how this can play out, see the way we asked Kitty to
>>>> provide such a plan [1] when some members of the community opposed the
>>>> idea of retirement. In Kitty nobody stood up to the task, so a few
>>>> months later the final decision to retire the project was a pretty
>>>> easy one to make.
>>>> Another example with a different outcome is JSPWiki that had a similar
>>>> discussion at the beginning of the year, and actually a few members of
>>>> the community did start working through all the issues and have now
>>>> produced their first Apache release and seem to be on a path towards
>>>> graduation even though the project is still far below its past
>>>> activity.
>>>> [1]
>>>> BR,
>>>> Jukka Zitting
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