On 2019/04/22 19:09:36, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi -
> I am concerned about an overly automated release process. Please explain
what the role of the Release Manager is in your process? How does the
release manager sign these automatically generated artifacts? How are
release artifacts moved from
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/openwhisk/ to
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/incubator/openwhisk/ once the
vote is passed? Are there staged artifacts anywhere else like
repository.apache.org? Or to NPM.

Hi Dave,

        Not sure how much detail is appropriate here.  Will quickly summarize
and maybe it makes sense to move any detailed feedback you have to the
OpenWhisk dev list which is cc'ed?  Our mentor Bertrand has been actively
involved in helping us refine this process.

        A Release Manager manually initiates each of the major steps in the
process.  The gory details can be found at our release repo [1] and the
instructions for the release manager [2].  The basic workflow is that after
the completion of a DISCUSS thread, a Release Manager defines a config.json
that specifies the components being released (names, gitrepos, git commit
hash, version, release candidate number).  This config file is then fed
into scripts that generate/sign the artifacts using the Release Manager's
key, push them to the right place in
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/openwhisk/, and generates
an email body for a VOTE thread (this last script is brand new).   After a
successful completion of the IPMC vote, the Release Manager initiates the
move from dist/dev to dist/release by running a script on their local
machine that does the svn operations.

        There are no staged artifacts during the voting process outside of

> BTW - The link to the commit currently leads to a 404.

Noted.  Bug in the still-being-worked-on script to generate the email.  It
should have been outputting a URL in
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/incubator/openwhisk/ not in github.


[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-release

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