On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 9:59 PM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>

> >   It appears there is general consensus that "right to distribute closed
> source" would be the main and potentially only blocker for podlings.
> That is not the case (re this is a blocker) I suggest you read that legal
> thread again. Also infra makes distribution policy.


Infra does not care about the contents. If a PMC says "we +1 the contents",
then Infra will not second-guess that. Leave out LICENSE, NOTICE, or do
those files wrong. Include jars, Cat X source. Whatever. We aren't going to
police that. Binaries in there? Knock yourself out. Legal might get on your
case, but that's Not Our Problem(tm).

If the IPMC says "here is a podling tarball that we will allow", then it
can be put into distribution. Use whatever rules you want for the contents,
or lack of rules. Infra just wants it placed into our distribution system
in a specific way, to ensure correctness, auditing, and resilience.

VP Infra has already stated the above. As an Officer of Infrastructure, I
concur and reiterate that position.

Greg Stein
InfraAdmin, ASF

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