My unsolicited opinion: projects focused on the manipulation and purveyance of
data as XML could/should  belong in the project while
implementations  of Java technologies associate with Jakarta.  There's 
nothing Java specific about XML-RPC and SOAP (buh, that's the point).  If I had
my druthers, slide and other projects that have nothing to do with
implementations of Java technologies per se but happen to be implemented using
Java shouldn't be part of Jakarta (nothing against slide but content management
and WebDAV are not Java technologies per se).  Ergo, the Helma XML-RPC
project, if it should be an Apache project at all, belongs with SOAP, Xerces,
Xalan and so forth (irrespective of the fact that they are implementented in
Java); they are implementations of XML technologies and therefore belong in
under the umbrella; Jason van Zyl's shrill complaint otherwise
not withstanding.  


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

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