On 7/4/01 10:04 PM, "Sam Ruby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hannes Wallnoefer wrote:
>> [snip]
> Short and simple: -1.  Good luck getting 3/4 approval...
> Want to change my vote?

I don't think there's anything to change. You decided what you what
you wanted very shortly after the proposal was made. That much is clear,
even if your answers are not.

I answered your questions as best I could, but you completely skirted
around answering any of my questions. I asked what you would do
with the code if it were brought into xml.apache.org and
I wanted to know what the interest is in xml-rpc, and why no one
has taken the steps to move toward an xml-rpc implementation in

Are these not valid questions and concerns? You are the one intimately
involved with xml.apache.org, so I assume you could answer these
questions quickly.

> Demonstrate some signs that you are willing to
> work with others,

I have been working with Hannes and the initial committers for the
last month to get to this point. I am interested in the xml-rpc package.
You are being unequivocally evasive. I don't think you're being very
cooperative. I asked what your proposal would be if the code was
to be donated to xml.apache.org and you didn't even bother to
answer. Is the answer supposed to be obvious? It's not obvious to me.
I think it's important that the code comes here, we have
our preferences as to the location but the code is used by
a lot of people and it would be a healthy project at apache.

> or are at least aware of related work.

I am aware of other xml-rpc packages, as I must emphasize that
is what I'm interested in.

> Criticize SOAP or
> the Apache implementation thereof if you like - I can take it.

I have absolutely nothing against SOAP, or your implementation of
it. I haven't looked that much at SOAP because none of the projects
I work on require it's use. To me, SOAP and xml-rpc are mutually
exclusive because that is the nature of my work. If xml-rpc is
to be a subset of axis than the real nature of the arrangement
is that you need xml-rpc but we don't need axis.

> Start with
> introducing yourself on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

I have zero interest in axis at the moment. Why is the onus on me
to participate in something in which I have no interest and no
requirement to be involved with. The xml-rpc package works fine
as a stand-alone piece of work. I am fully willing to work on the
xml-rpc package, but I'm certainly not going to stop you from integrating
the package into axis. I don't see why you see this as not cooperating,
it is simply not the domain I work in.

You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your proposal would
be the folding of the xml-rpc code into axis and forcing users currently
using xml-rpc by itself to use xml-rpc through axis instead. This is
expressly something we do not desire.

This is what I'm deducing from your emphasis on axis and lack of clear
answers to very direct questions.

What do you feel about the xml-rpc package being an independent project
at xml.apache.org? As a starting point for cooperation between the xml-rpc
package and axis. How is that for meeting half way? Then the the
collaboration would begin as two autonomous parties.

I would first like ask for votes from the Jakarta PMC members to see
if the package can be included within Jakarta as this is the express
desire of the author. I will make another short message with a voting

If this fails than I will make a proposal to xml.apache.org if the
package could be accepted as an independent project (if this is acceptable
to Hannes). If the code is allowed to exist autonomously than I don't
have a real problem with where it lands. But I definitely don't like the
idea of the code being rolled into another package because right off the bat
we would probably be in a minority situation and the code could go in a
direction that we don't want. I don't believe that is right. But again Sam,
correct me if my assertions are in the wrong.

> - Sam Ruby
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Jason van Zyl


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