Joseph Dane wrote:

>>>>>>"Alex" == Alex Chaffee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Alex> Can we turn off the munging of headers that is currently adding
>  Alex> Reply-to on all the jakarta lists?
>  Alex> Please read
>  Alex> before asking why it's a problem.
> my vote, FWIW, is to leave things as they are.

Thank you, Joe!  I hadn't seen that document before, and it's good to have a 
list of all the counter-arguments (rather than a barrage of -1s).

I note for the record, however, that I received two copies of this email, 
which means that Joe must have hit "Group Reply", so that means that *even 
with* Reply-to munging on, the principle of minimal bandwidth is violated :-)

(I note also that since my From address is not my preferred address, anyone 
replying to me personally from a list post will be using my internal 
address, which may change at any moment -- Mr. Hill's reply-to-useful doc 
doesn't address this. And I'm not demanding a response here, either -- as 
far as I'm concerned, this question is asked and answered, and I'm happy to 
get back to work.)

 - A

Alex Chaffee                       mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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