> Let me quote you:
> "However, due to various economic factors such as the decline in the ASP
> market and the recent difficulties in obtaining venture capital, we have
> decided that at this time it is not feasible for is to continue in that
> direction."
> And:
> "We intend to continue to provide development support, and we have no
> problem to committing 3 developers in an ongoing basis."
> If you don't have the money to fund development of the product,
> then how are
> you going to have money to keep several engineers working on it and
> supporting it? You keep contradicting yourself.

I've already responded to that. You jumped to an incorrect conclusion, and
attacked without even atttempting to get clarification.

> Even still, that doesn't deal with the issues surrounding the need to have
> an established community as well as even letting us look at the
> code base (I
> care if the code and design is good or not).

Sorry, I don't ever recall you asking to see the code or the design. We have
sent design docs to someone from Apache who was interested enough to ask for
them. "Established Communities" don't suddenly appear full-fledged from
nowhere - we have developers to seed a community, all we are doing is
looking to see if there is interest in the product. Why are you so
threatened by this ?

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