In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ceki Gulcu writes:
>Coming back to the issue at hand, if ASPizer authors are truly
>committed to open source and the Apache model, they should counter
>Jon's remarks and justify the reasons why their product should be part
>of Jakarta.
>I did not read anyone but Jon take
>the time challenge the inconsistencies in the proposal. We can all sit
>back and criticize Jon's style. In the mean time, somebody has to get
>the job done and it's often Jon. 

I just wanted to echo Ceki's above statements which capture the two
issues beating around (project acceptance and Jon's critique).  Any
project proposal must overcome the criticisms leveled against it in
order to be accepted.  The debate can get seemingly ugly, but it's
a necessary filter to keep Jakarta on track.  Also, while some of us (I'm
thinking of myself in this instance) think "I don't have the time to write
a lengthy diplomatic criticism." and procrastinate on addressing an issue,
Jon takes the time out of his busy schedule and very efficiently summarizes
the issues in a couple of sentences (which is sometimes unfortunately taken
as tactless or even offensive rather than brief and to the point).  I've
lost track if we've brought this to a vote or not, but unless Jon's points
are adequately addressed, I have to cast a vote of -1 on accepting the


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