In message 
Stølsvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>I'm not. It's trying to point something out to Jon, actually. But he
>definately does have a load of followers in this forum, protecting his 5
>years earned rights to be rude. But I do know that there is several other
>people that feel about the same way about Jon's behaviour on the lists he
>subscribes to as me, tough. Just read the lists!

Just to add my $0.0000000000000000002 cents worth, it was Jon's attitude 
on the jserv list that got me engaged with Apache/Java stuff in the 
first place. (And I've now contributed a fair amount to Turbine as well 
as a little elsewhere).

The thing is that most people who do open source work do it for the 
fun/satisfaction of the thing, and engaging in debates with someone who 
truly speaks their mind and only compliments your work when its worth 
complimenting helps out with that fun/satisfaction thing.

If you want nice polite accommodating support go to someone that you 
_pay_ not to tell you you're being an idiot when you're being an idiot.

Sean Legassick
         Hombre soy, nada humano me puede ser ajeno

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