Endre Stĝlsvik wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Jon Scott Stevens wrote:
> The _instanceVariable and also the __staticVariable idea makes real good
> sense to me nowadays. Do you have any arguments against it? (btw; this is
> a genuine question!)..

Honestly, I don't like the underscore notation.  If there is any deviation
from that, it would be simple scope modifiers like m_memberVariable.

I have adopted the practice of explicitly scoping all my veriables.  It is
better supported by IDEs with autocompletion, so for me it even reduces
typing.  Also, I try not to ever use a parameter that is the same as a
member variable.

> And while talking about code conventions; people writing like this:
> if (something)
> {
> }

As long as the deviation is *documented*.  If you supercede the Sun
conventions, you must document exactly how it is done.  Examples of
this are in both the Struts and the Avalon projects.  Both clearly
identify coding practices that supercede Sun's conventions.

This also means that *all* Commons code must adopt the coding convention.

Honestly, the aditional space forced by the brace on the following line
_does_ increase legibility.

> should be shot right there on the spot, in the act of typing it.
> The ONLY way to write blocks is like this:
> if (something) {
> }
> ;)


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  deserve neither liberty nor safety."
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