At 10:35 04.01.2002 -0800, you wrote:
>on 1/4/02 3:28 AM, "Ceki Gülcü" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> All Java Language source code in the repository must be written in
>> conformance to the "Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language
>> as published by Sun." However, some projects may decide to override
>> these defaults and use their own defined conventions. For example, the
>> Turbine project has its own defined conventions which are similar to
>> the Sun standards but specify slightly different conventions.
>> Which really reads: we have conventions but you are free to ignore
>> them -- what people have flocked to do gleefully..
>> Cheers, Ceki
>Keyword above: 'defined'

Fine distinction. Keyword: fine (pun intended).

Ceki Gülcü -

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