Ceki Gulcu wrote:
> In your opinion, what are the key factors in nurturing a developer
> community?

I know what does not nuture a development environment.
1. Working in a vacuum and hoping someone magically finds out.
2. Mispresenting (Intentionally or Unintentionally) the status of the
3. Not having a clear vision of what features we want to see and when.

Actually, I am going to put my flame suit on before I say this, but I
was reading an MS Press book by Jim McCarthy (VC++ manager) called
Dynamics of Software Development. He outlines 50 some odd "rules" of
software development.

One rule is to have a Multi-release technology plan. Its just a big word
for a document that outlines which features will be available in what
release or in what time frame. Ideally, this document should have the
buy in of the whole development team.

I think what Mr. McCarthy is trying to do with the Multi-Release plan is
to create Vision. Great communities development or otherwise share a
common vision.

The multi-release technology plan serves two purposes. It establishes a
vision and then breaks it down into a set of smaller steps which are
easier and less frustrating to accomplish.

When I have a community of developers around icalendar. I am going to
borrow a page from the MS playbook and create a Multi-release technology

> --
> Ceki
> > It is very easy to monday-morning quaterback and second guess the
> > decisions that were made in the distant past with perfect 20-20
> > hindsight.  Some might even find it amusing to single out some of the
> > participants and try to act as the judge, jury, and executioner of
> > that person's reputation in the court of public opinion.
> >

It is easy to play Monday morning quarterback. One of the reasons I
stayed away so long was the initial dread of trying to explain what had
happened (why I "quit", why iCalendar had


Jeff Prickett

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